Saturday Jan 18, 2020 - Monday Feb 24, 2020


by: Steven Leigh Morris
directed by: Nike Doukas
"This is small theater at its best. Visually, a lot is created out of a little, and much of the audience, capped at a capacity of 50, sits within inches of the action.
Morris, who went on to found the digital journal Stage Raw, artfully blends the worlds of journalism and theater. It’ll be hard to forget the images he’s created or such incisive lines as a newspaper owner’s chilling assessment that America “can’t even agree on what a fact is anymore.”"
Los Angeles Times
Ovation Recommended

A funny, often biting, brand new satiric play about the corrosive pressures of click-bait journalism.

A funny, often biting, brand new satiric play about the plight of local newspapers, Red Ink follows a journalist who is hired by new management to run the paper he has been working for, and loves. In the wake of a corporate merger. Can he keep the standards he aspires to? Can he keep his family and friends? His sanity? 

Steven Leigh Morris’s absurdist satire looks at the corrosive pressures of click-bait journalism and cut-throat competition on newspapers around the country, as they struggle to report the truth in a post-fact world.
  • "Steven Leigh Morris’ RED INK is beyond simply a biting, often hilarious, on-the-money treatise laying bare the immorality of corporate greed. It echoes everything wrong in our society as its “leaders” step over us all while cavalierly destroying everything we should be desperately holding dear. We need such courageous and thought-provoking artistic expression more than ever if we are going to get through this discouraging period in our existence." Ticket Holders L.A.
  • "This new work sharply tackles the institutional and personal travails confronting newspapers and those who work in the field. The action swings from satire to sacrifice with poignant moments and a surprising number of chuckles, as Jerome (Leo Marks), the editor of an alternative weekly newspaper, struggles to hold on to his increasingly shredded integrity and deteriorating sanity." Stage Raw
  • WOW!! "Not only does Red Ink prove Morris an accomplished playwright, it gives a quintet of L.A. theater superstars and one equally talented newcomer the chance to dazzle under Nike Doukas’s inspired direction." Stage Scene L.A.
  • Starring: Michelle Bonebright-Carter, Steven Culp, Tracey A. Leigh, Leo Marks, Jocelyn Towne, Peter Van Norden
  • Producer: Henry 'Heno' Fernandez
  • Scenic and Projection Designer: Lily Bartenstein
  • Lighting Designer: Matt Richter
  • Sound Designer: Jesse Mandapat
  • Costume Designer: Mylette Nora
  • Choreographer: Cate Caplin
  • Stage Manager: Letitia Chang / Veronica Vasquez

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PLAYWRIGHTS’ ARENA accepts unsolicited full-length plays from Los Angeles-based playwrights only and that comply with the company’s mission statement.

We do not accept one-acts (less than 70 minutes long), one-person shows or “kitchen sink” dramas. Please submit the entire script with a cover letter and playwright’s bio using the form below.

As with all theaters, response time will depend on the number of current submissions for review (up to six months).

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