"In Alvarez's beautifully balanced microcosm, there are no villains and no victims – just individuals waylaid by their own unrealistic yearning." Los Angeles Times

Girlie Capistrano is a provincial girl with big-city dreams. She’s been obsessed with the American soap “Dallas” since she was a little girl. With her new job at the American Spirit Airlines call center in Manila, it seems like Southfork is just a hop and a skip away. How much is Girlie willing to sacrifice in order to achieve her American Dream?
"This play made me think of what happens to folks, who become constrained in an unhatched egg, unable to imagine what a designed creative life one can have, if we choose love and passion instead." Asian Journal
"If a theatrical outing means a perfectly constructed Miller drama, you bought a ticket to the wrong locale. But if you are up for a show with a wonderful cast delivering an up-to-date, uplifting and surprisingly touching look into Filipino culture, Dallas Non-Stop will prove to be a charming departure." Stage and Cinema
"Dallas Non-Stop should be of interest to L.A. theatergoers for no other reason than its glimpse into contemporary Filipino life. That playwright Alvarez has come up with both multi-layered characters and a fresh, unpredictable plot makes Dallas Non-Stop even more of a treat, particularly as directed by the ever masterful Jon Lawrence Rivera." Stage Scene LA
- starring: Angel Star Felix, Kennedy Kabasares, Jim Kane, Nardeep Khurmi, Anne Yatco and Sandy Yu
- scenic designer: Christopher Scott Murillo
- lighting designer: Jeremy Pivnick
- projection designer: Adam Flemming
- costume designer: Mylette Nora
- sound designer: Howard Ho
- casting director: Raul Clayton Staggs
- stage manager: Flor San Roman
- producer: Diane Levine